
Monday, May 24, 2010

swagger wagon

Jessica showed me this video Friday afternoon and I cracked up.  Under the comments section on YouTube some (young) people remark on what a lame video this is or how nobody can relate to this.  For myself the humor is that when I was younger I also believed that minivans were both ugly and also the stamp of suburban dystopia.  I hoped I would never find myself in a situation that compelled me to get one.

Between then and now life has happened.  I have two kids and it chemically changed my brain - now convenience factors have trumped style while shopping.  And from a convenience perspective the Toyota Sienna is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen.  We did not just "settle" for a minivan; we wanted one.  Our Sienna is pimped out, and we are proud of it.

All of this is why I think Toyota has hit the nail on the head with the viral video.  Nothing is funnier than seeing yourself in the humor and coming full circle with it.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

all Acuras are decepticons

I have decided that all Acuras are decepticons.  That angular, insectile shape is the dead giveaway.  As further evidence, look at the logos:

Just turn the Acura logo upside-down and...

Coincidence?  I think not.  You may ask then, where are the Autobots?  The answer is simple, all 18 wheelers.  If the robots ever decide to war it will be yuppies vs. rednecks.